Changing Our World One Man At A Time.
"If we walk in the light as he is in the light..."
1 John 1:7
Upcoming Study on Gospet of John will follow our selected Names of God study. This will begin January 11, 2025
You are welcome to attend anytime and we trust the Lord will meet with you whenever you start. Come with the expectation that He desires to spend time with you and you will not be disappointed. These books are then poetry and wisdom - These books are God created and designed.
"ALL Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" We are to be HIs workmanship created for good works IN Christ...
Mike Casey has entered the gates of Heaven where I am certain Jesus greeted him with "Well done my good and faithful servant". Mike is a tremendous loss to all who knew and called him friend. It is also what Jesus called him. He cannot be ever be replaced. We are so grateful to know Mike and look forward to his greeting at the gates of Heaven.
I have posted his obituary here.
Current Study Program
A formal bible study is conducted each week that focuses on Biblical truth and how these truths may be applied to daily living in the market place. Men gather in large and then small groups to interact around the studies that are presented by a lay member-leader.
On-Line Prayer
Men from Faithwalkers volunteer to respond to specific prayer needs communicated through internet systems. A team of more than seventy men is committed to being able to receive electronic messages that seek prayer support around a specific request. Please send your request to Greg Bennett at gbennettt@gmail.com
FaithWalkers is led by a board of laymen chaired by Greg Bennett. Their role is to determine the ministry goals, teaching topics and schedules, plan special events, and oversee all programs activities.
Board is made up of the following members:
- Greg Bennett
- Chris Decker
- Dan Fischer
- Bruce Brunner
- Dennis Dern
- Henry van Oudenaren